Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 34 - 53, 27.07.2020


2011 yılında başlayan Suriye İç Savaşında yabancı terörist savaşçı konusu çok tartışılmıştır. Literatürde farklı rakamlar da bulunmakla birlikte en az 146 ülkeden 53.781 savaşçının Suriye’de savaştığı saptanmıştır. Batı Balkanlar’dan da yaklaşık 900 yabancı terörist savaşçı Suriye’de savaşmıştır. Bu çalışmada bu yabancı terörist savaşçı hareketliliğinin nedenleri incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak küresel ölçekte hakikate ilişkin ontolojik sorunlar, dünyada aşırı sağın yükselişte olması, dini aşırılığın son yirmi yıldır bölgede etkin olması ve Rusya Federasyonu’nun bölgede Avro-Atlantik entegrasyonu engellemek için izlediği stratejinin bu hareketlilikte önemli rol oynadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Atwan, Abdel Bari. Islamic State: The Digital Caliphate, University of California Press, Oakland, California, 2015.
  • Azinović, Vlado. “Regional Report: Understanding Violent Extremısm in the Western Balkans”, British Council, 2018.
  • Balkan Investigate Reporting Network, “Balkan Jihadists: The Radicalisation and Recruitment of Fighters in Syria and Iraq, March 2016.
  • Barrett, Richard. “Beyond the Caliphate: Foreign Fighters and the Threat of Returnees”, The Soufan Center, The Global Strategy Network, 2017. .
  • BBC NEWS, “Isis leader calls on Muslims to ‘build Islamic state’”, 1 July 2014, (22.06.2020) Benmelech, Efraim ve Klor, Esteban F. “What Explains the Flow of Foreign Fighters to ISIS?”, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper. 2017,,
  • Beslin, Jelena. ve Ignjatijevic, Marija. “Balkan foreign fighters: from Syria to Ukraine”, European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2017.
  • Bieber, Florian. The Rise of Authoritarianism in the Western Balkans, Palgrave Publishing, Switzerland, 2020. Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi 2178 Sayılı Kararı. (2014),
  • Hegghammer, Thomas. “The Rise of Muslim Foreign Fighters: Islam and the Globalization of Jihad”, International Security 35, no. 3, (2010/11): 53–94.
  • Hofingera, Veronika. ve Schmidinger, Thomas. “ ‘Muhajirun’ from Austria. Why they left to join ISIS and why they don’t return”, Journal for Deradicalization, no: 22, (2020): 287-318.
  • J. Ingram, Haroro., Whiteside, Craig. ve Winter, Charlie. The ISIS Reader: Milestone Texts of the Islamic State Movement, Oxford University Press, New York, 2020.
  • Lawsuit, “CEO JCB Consulting International–Before the Committee on Banking”, Housing and Urban Affairs United States Senate, October 22, 2003.
  • Mandacı, Nazif. “Kosovo and the Gulf: Securitizing Soft Power”, Ed. by. Ağır, Bülent Sarper. Kosovo: Past, Present and Future, Nova Science Publishers, New York, (2019): 163-180.
  • Marone, Fracesco. ve Vidino, Lorenzo. “Destination Jihad: Italy’s Foreign Fighters”, ICCT Report, Mart 2019.
  • Meleagrou-Hitchens, Alexcander., Hughes, Seamus. ve Clifford, Bennett. The Travelers: American Jihadists in Syria and Iraq, The George Washington University, Program on Extremism, 2018.
  • Metodieva, Asya. “Balkan Foreign Fighters Are Coming Back: What Should Be Done?”, Stratpol Policy Paper, 2018. Metodieva_Returnees_Western_Balkans_Stratpol_FINAL.pdf
  • Nikolić, Lazar. “Ethnic Prejudices and Discrimination: The Case of Kosovo “, Ed. by. Bieber, Florian. ve Daskalovski, Zhidas. Understanding the war in Kosovo, Frank Cass Publishers, London, (2005): 51-76.
  • Pokalova, Elena. “Driving factors behind foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 42, no. 9, (2019): 798-818.
  • Pericaeş, Vjekoslav. Balkan Idols: Religion and Nationalism in Yugoslav States, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002.
  • Qehaja, Florian. “Beyond Gornje Maoče and Ošve: Radicalization in the Western Balkans”, Ed. by. Varvelli, Arturo. Jihadist Hotbeds Understanding Local Radicalization Processes, ISPI. Milano, (2016): 75-92.
  • SEERECON, “From the Balkans to ISIS From the Balkans to ISIS Militant Islamism in Southeastern Europe”, Security and Inteligence Series Special Analytical Report, 2014.
  • Shtuni, Adrian. “Breaking Down the Ethnic Albanian Foreign Fighters Phenomenon”, An Interdisciplinary Journal 98, no. 4, (2015): 460-477.
  • Shtuni, Adrian. “Ethnic Albanian Foreign Fighters in Iraq and Syria”, CTC Sentinel 8, 4, 2015.
  • The Atlantic Initiative 2017 Report, Between Salvation and Terror: Radicalization and the Foreign Fighter Phenomenon in the Western Balkans, (ed.) Vlado Azinović, 2017.
  • The Law Library of Congress Treatment of Foreign Fighters in Selected Jurisdictions, Global Legal Research Center, 2014.
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti İçişleri Bakanlığı, “Türkiye’nin DEAŞ ile Mücadelesi”, Temmuz 2017.
Year 2020, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 34 - 53, 27.07.2020



  • Atwan, Abdel Bari. Islamic State: The Digital Caliphate, University of California Press, Oakland, California, 2015.
  • Azinović, Vlado. “Regional Report: Understanding Violent Extremısm in the Western Balkans”, British Council, 2018.
  • Balkan Investigate Reporting Network, “Balkan Jihadists: The Radicalisation and Recruitment of Fighters in Syria and Iraq, March 2016.
  • Barrett, Richard. “Beyond the Caliphate: Foreign Fighters and the Threat of Returnees”, The Soufan Center, The Global Strategy Network, 2017. .
  • BBC NEWS, “Isis leader calls on Muslims to ‘build Islamic state’”, 1 July 2014, (22.06.2020) Benmelech, Efraim ve Klor, Esteban F. “What Explains the Flow of Foreign Fighters to ISIS?”, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper. 2017,,
  • Beslin, Jelena. ve Ignjatijevic, Marija. “Balkan foreign fighters: from Syria to Ukraine”, European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2017.
  • Bieber, Florian. The Rise of Authoritarianism in the Western Balkans, Palgrave Publishing, Switzerland, 2020. Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi 2178 Sayılı Kararı. (2014),
  • Hegghammer, Thomas. “The Rise of Muslim Foreign Fighters: Islam and the Globalization of Jihad”, International Security 35, no. 3, (2010/11): 53–94.
  • Hofingera, Veronika. ve Schmidinger, Thomas. “ ‘Muhajirun’ from Austria. Why they left to join ISIS and why they don’t return”, Journal for Deradicalization, no: 22, (2020): 287-318.
  • J. Ingram, Haroro., Whiteside, Craig. ve Winter, Charlie. The ISIS Reader: Milestone Texts of the Islamic State Movement, Oxford University Press, New York, 2020.
  • Lawsuit, “CEO JCB Consulting International–Before the Committee on Banking”, Housing and Urban Affairs United States Senate, October 22, 2003.
  • Mandacı, Nazif. “Kosovo and the Gulf: Securitizing Soft Power”, Ed. by. Ağır, Bülent Sarper. Kosovo: Past, Present and Future, Nova Science Publishers, New York, (2019): 163-180.
  • Marone, Fracesco. ve Vidino, Lorenzo. “Destination Jihad: Italy’s Foreign Fighters”, ICCT Report, Mart 2019.
  • Meleagrou-Hitchens, Alexcander., Hughes, Seamus. ve Clifford, Bennett. The Travelers: American Jihadists in Syria and Iraq, The George Washington University, Program on Extremism, 2018.
  • Metodieva, Asya. “Balkan Foreign Fighters Are Coming Back: What Should Be Done?”, Stratpol Policy Paper, 2018. Metodieva_Returnees_Western_Balkans_Stratpol_FINAL.pdf
  • Nikolić, Lazar. “Ethnic Prejudices and Discrimination: The Case of Kosovo “, Ed. by. Bieber, Florian. ve Daskalovski, Zhidas. Understanding the war in Kosovo, Frank Cass Publishers, London, (2005): 51-76.
  • Pokalova, Elena. “Driving factors behind foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 42, no. 9, (2019): 798-818.
  • Pericaeş, Vjekoslav. Balkan Idols: Religion and Nationalism in Yugoslav States, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002.
  • Qehaja, Florian. “Beyond Gornje Maoče and Ošve: Radicalization in the Western Balkans”, Ed. by. Varvelli, Arturo. Jihadist Hotbeds Understanding Local Radicalization Processes, ISPI. Milano, (2016): 75-92.
  • SEERECON, “From the Balkans to ISIS From the Balkans to ISIS Militant Islamism in Southeastern Europe”, Security and Inteligence Series Special Analytical Report, 2014.
  • Shtuni, Adrian. “Breaking Down the Ethnic Albanian Foreign Fighters Phenomenon”, An Interdisciplinary Journal 98, no. 4, (2015): 460-477.
  • Shtuni, Adrian. “Ethnic Albanian Foreign Fighters in Iraq and Syria”, CTC Sentinel 8, 4, 2015.
  • The Atlantic Initiative 2017 Report, Between Salvation and Terror: Radicalization and the Foreign Fighter Phenomenon in the Western Balkans, (ed.) Vlado Azinović, 2017.
  • The Law Library of Congress Treatment of Foreign Fighters in Selected Jurisdictions, Global Legal Research Center, 2014.
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti İçişleri Bakanlığı, “Türkiye’nin DEAŞ ile Mücadelesi”, Temmuz 2017.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Relations
Journal Section Makaleler

Murat Necip Arman

Publication Date July 27, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Arman, M. N. (2020). BATI BALKANLAR’DA YABANCI TERÖRİST SAVAŞÇILAR VE DİNİ AŞIRILIK YANLISI GRUPLAR SORUNU. Barış Araştırmaları Ve Çatışma Çözümleri Dergisi, 8(2), 34-53.