Research Article
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The Poetics of the Symbol in the Kurdish Folktale

Year 2018, , 336 - 349, 25.08.2018


The symbol is a key factor for
achieving poeticism in text, which in turn shows the art of text. This research
(The poetics of the symbol in the Kurdish folktale) came as an attempt to study
the role of the symbol in the technical realization of the ancient texts such
as folklore.The
research consists of two parts. The first is the title of "The Concept of
Poeticism" We tried to clarify this term in the theoretical aspect, and
this is the reader's knowledge of the role of this concept in the texts.The second
section, which was the title (the poetics of the symbol of the Kurdish
folktale) and explained three types in the symbols: the historical symbol, the
legendary and religious. We tried to stand in these three types in the texts of
the folkloric story with its semantic implications, with the most important
findings of the research and a list of sources that we have benefited from
during this study.


  • Aziz, Karim Mahmoud, (2001). Myth and Folk Tales of the Old Testament, Ain for Human and Social Studies and Research, Egypt. Bart, Roland, (1986). Principles of Evidence, Translation from: Mohammed Bakri, House of Public Cultural Affairs, Baghdad. Birbal, Farhad, (2004). Literary Schools, Translation from French, Aras Printing and Publishing House, Erbil. De Sussier, Ferdinand, (1985). General Linguistics, Translation from: Yoel Youssef Aziz, Review: Malik Yousef Al-Muttalibi, Dar Al-Afaq Al-Arabiya, Baghdad. Jaafar, Haji, (2010).Galavizh (collection of the folk tale of Behdinan), the Kurdish Heritage Institute, Dohuk. Gardi,Aziz, (2014). Three medicine (Kurdish story), Awer Printing and Publishing House, Erbil. Hamad, Bakhshan Saber, (2012).The symbol of Kurdish poetry, Kurdish Academy, Erbil. Hassan, Mouloud Ibrahim, (2006). Nami Egg, First Skin, Kurdish Heritage Institute, Erbil. Hosseini, Raza Sayed, (2006). Literary schools, translated by: Hamakirim Aref, Mukiryani House for Printing and Publishing, Erbil. Hussein, D. Hemedad, (2007). Kurdish Folklore Literature, Cultural Center Hattau, Erbil. Issa, Hawzhin Slewa, (2009). Structure of poetic image in poetry Sherko Bekas, Sardam Printing and Publishing House, Sulaimani. Mirsadqi, Jamal, (1390), Elements of the Story, Sahkun House of Public, Seventh Edition, Tehran Tawfiq,Muhammad Saleh, (2000). Kurdish folklore poetry and story, first skin, Ministry of Culture, Sulaimani Directorate for Publishing and Distribution. Zouaoui, Bagoura, (2007).The mark and symbol in contemporary philosophy, the world of thought magazine, number: 3.
Year 2018, , 336 - 349, 25.08.2018



  • Aziz, Karim Mahmoud, (2001). Myth and Folk Tales of the Old Testament, Ain for Human and Social Studies and Research, Egypt. Bart, Roland, (1986). Principles of Evidence, Translation from: Mohammed Bakri, House of Public Cultural Affairs, Baghdad. Birbal, Farhad, (2004). Literary Schools, Translation from French, Aras Printing and Publishing House, Erbil. De Sussier, Ferdinand, (1985). General Linguistics, Translation from: Yoel Youssef Aziz, Review: Malik Yousef Al-Muttalibi, Dar Al-Afaq Al-Arabiya, Baghdad. Jaafar, Haji, (2010).Galavizh (collection of the folk tale of Behdinan), the Kurdish Heritage Institute, Dohuk. Gardi,Aziz, (2014). Three medicine (Kurdish story), Awer Printing and Publishing House, Erbil. Hamad, Bakhshan Saber, (2012).The symbol of Kurdish poetry, Kurdish Academy, Erbil. Hassan, Mouloud Ibrahim, (2006). Nami Egg, First Skin, Kurdish Heritage Institute, Erbil. Hosseini, Raza Sayed, (2006). Literary schools, translated by: Hamakirim Aref, Mukiryani House for Printing and Publishing, Erbil. Hussein, D. Hemedad, (2007). Kurdish Folklore Literature, Cultural Center Hattau, Erbil. Issa, Hawzhin Slewa, (2009). Structure of poetic image in poetry Sherko Bekas, Sardam Printing and Publishing House, Sulaimani. Mirsadqi, Jamal, (1390), Elements of the Story, Sahkun House of Public, Seventh Edition, Tehran Tawfiq,Muhammad Saleh, (2000). Kurdish folklore poetry and story, first skin, Ministry of Culture, Sulaimani Directorate for Publishing and Distribution. Zouaoui, Bagoura, (2007).The mark and symbol in contemporary philosophy, the world of thought magazine, number: 3.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Hemdad Hussen Bakir

Mohammed Ahmed Hasan

Publication Date August 25, 2018
Submission Date January 21, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Bakir, H. H., & Hasan, M. A. (2018). The Poetics of the Symbol in the Kurdish Folktale. International Journal of Kurdish Studies, 4(2), 336-349.

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