Publishing Guide

JEBI Journal is an interdisciplinary open-access and peer reviewed journal of Kultur University intended for empirical and theoretical research on social sciences. The views expressed in published articles are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make such grammatical changes as may be necessary without changing the substance of the paper. The published articles in JEBI cannot be used without being cited.

1) JEBI welcomes submissions both in Turkish and English.

2) There is no submission, evaluation or publication fee.

3) For submission, please create a username on DergiPark, using the below link:

4) The manuscript must not have been previously published in whole or in part; must not be accepted for publication elsewhere; must not be under review for publication elsewhere.

5) All Submitted manuscripts are first passed through iThenticate software and studies presenting more than 20% similarity ratio are automatically rejected.

6) All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and if found suitable for further consideration, manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review process by anonymous referees selected from among scholars in the field.

7) Based on the recommendations given by the referees, the Editor makes a decision to reject, accept, or accept with revisions.

8) Authors don't charged for their submissions or publishings under any condition.

Last Update Time: 2/19/23, 3:06:10 PM