Writing Rules

The OLGU uses American Psychological Association (APA) Sixth Edition as the citation system. The APA 6 booklet prepared by the Turkish Librarians Association can be found here.

Authors are obliged to submit their articles with the template prepared by the OLGU Journal of Sociology. Click here for the template…

The rules for the template can be specified as follows:

Orcid numbers, institution/education information and e-mails of the authors must be clearly included in the submitted article. Blinding will be carried out by the editor.
Only Times New Roman font and 1.15 line spacing will be used.
The main title and the English title should be 14 points; subheadings and writings including introduction and conclusion should be set to 12 points; abstract for Turkish articles (250-300 words) and extended English abstract (750-1000 words) 10 points; full quotations separated from paragraph should be set to 10 points in quotation marks and 1 cm from the edges; and lastly 9 points for the footnotes.
Each paragraph should start with an indentation of 1 cm and ought to be hyphen-free.
Page edges should be set to 2.5 cm from the right and left and 2 cm from the top.
Tables should be set to 10, 9, or 8 points to fit on the page using only horizontal borders. Large tables can be positioned horizontally on a separate page. Tables should be prevented from scrolling to another page. Tables must be set not to exceed a page. Tables submitted inside can be presented as attachments.
The bibliography should be located on a separate Attachments such as APPENDIX-1, APPENDIX-2… must be placed after the bibliography.