Writing Rules

Author Guidelines
The texts that are not submitted in accordance with the author guidelines are not included in the evaluation process. However, authors are expected to check compliance with the following rules before applying.

Applications are reviewed by the Editorial Board in terms of form and content. After the preliminary evaluation of the Editorial Board, only the relevant articles are sent to the referees.

"Article title / Abstract / Keywords" should be given in order, in the language of the article first.
The Abstract in Turkish should not exceed 250 words and the one in English should not exceed 300 words. Keywords (both in EN and TR) should not exceed 6 words. Abstract and Keywords and their English translation must be in international standards.

For research where ethical approval is sought, information as to the approval (commission, date and number of the document) should be incorporated in the methodology section, and also at the first or the last page of the manuscript.

The text should be Arial font, font size 10, line spacing 1.15 cm, and paragraph spacing 6 pt first and then 6 pt.

The page layout should be formatted as A4 size, width 16.5 cm and height 24 cm, 3 cm from the top, 2.3 cm from the bottom, and 2 cm from the right and left. The text should be justified. There should be a space between words.  Indentation for the first line of a paragraph should be 1.25 cm.

The references used in the article should be written under the heading "References," in Arial font and 9 points, and the line spacing should be 1 cm. References should be given in alphabetical order. Footnotes should not be used unless necessary and should be kept short when necessary. Non-text materials such as tables, figures, and graphics should be numbered and uploaded to the system separately by giving the same number. The numbering of headings and subheadings is at the discretion of the author, providing integrity and continuity in terms of meaning. Likewise the headings of Introduction and Conclusion parts and their numberings is not subject to a certain standard. Table titles should be at the top of the table, and figure, graph and photograph titles should be at the bottom. Direct quotations exceeding three lines should be written in quotation marks, italicized, and indented 2 cm from the left.

Articles are based on the APA (American Psychological Association) citation technique.

In-text citations should be according to the following examples:

1. Direct references should be given in quotation marks, and the author's surname, the year of the work as well as the page number should be given. Example: "… is…" (Sayin, 2002, p. 25).

2. For indirect references, the year of the work and the page number should be given next to the place where the surname of the author is mentioned in the text. Example: According to Sayın (2004, p.16) …

3. When referring to more than one work of the same author belonging to the same year, letters should be given to each work of the author. Example: Tatlıdil, (1990a, 1990b, 1990c).

4. For works with multiple authors, the surnames of all authors should be included in the first use in the text, then the surname of the first author, et al. should be displayed as Example: (Tatlıdil, et al., 2002).

5. For citations to more than one author, each author and year of work should be separated by semicolons. Example: (Say, 1995;).

6. For the citations from secondary sources, the term "quoted" should be used, and only the primary source should be included in the references. Example: (Tatlıdil, 1980 quoted: Sayın, 1995).

The bibliography should be written according to the following examples:

One author Surname, N. (Year). Title of the book. Location: Publisher.

Multiple authors Surname, N., Surname, N., & Surname, N., (Year). Title of the book. Location: Publisher.

Editorial books Surname, N. (Comp.). (Year). Title of the book. Location: Publisher.
Book chapter in an editorial book Surname, N. (Year). Title of chapter. In N. Surname (Comp.) Published book. Location: Publisher.

Hardcopy journals Surname, N. (Year). Title of article. Title of journal, Volume(Issue), p-p.

E-journals Surname, N. (Year). Title of article. Title of journal, Volume(Issue), p-p. URL ya da DOI.

Sosyoloji Dergisi, Journal of Sociology, SD, JOS