Love is one of the most important themes of literature. This is the main theme of stories such as Romeo and Juliet, Aucassin û Nicolette and Leyla and Majnun. However, many social, religious and philosophical problems are also discussed within the framework of the love story that these people experience. We can say something similar about Kurdish literature. In both classical and modern literature, the theme of love has been used as a tool for the expression of important problems. We can see a similar situation in the Kurdish novel. In this context, this study analyzes four kurdish novels whose main theme is love. These novels are Mehmet Uzun's Sîya Evînê, Helîm Yusiv’s Sobarto, Çîdem Baran's Li Peravê Torê Tora Evînê and Bextiyar Elî's Êvara Perwane. Although the main theme of Sîya Evînê is the love between Memdûh Selîm Beg and Feriha, the problematic of nationalism, colonialism in Sobarto, Kurdish identity in Li Peravê Torê Tora Evînê and the problem of subjectivity in Êvara Perwane are discussed. As a result, different political and social issues are discussed within the framework of the stories of the lovers.
Kurdish Novel Love Nationalism Colonialism Kurdish Idenitiy Subjectivity
Love is one of the most important themes of literature. This is the main theme of stories such as Romeo and Juliet, Aucassin û Nicolette and Leyla and Majnun. However, many social, religious and philosophical problems are also discussed within the framework of the love story that these people experience. We can say something similar about Kurdish literature. In both classical and modern literature, the theme of love has been used as a tool for the expression of important problems. We can see a similar situation in the Kurdish novel. In this context, this study analyzes four kurdish novels whose main theme is love. These novels are Mehmet Uzun's Sîya Evînê, Helîm Yusiv’s Sobarto, Çîdem Baran's Li Peravê Torê Tora Evînê and Bextiyar Elî's Êvara Perwane. Although the main theme of Sîya Evînê is the love between Memdûh Selîm Beg and Feriha, the problematic of nationalism, colonialism in Sobarto, Kurdish identity in Li Peravê Torê Tora Evînê and the problem of subjectivity in Êvara Perwane are discussed. As a result, different political and social issues are discussed within the framework of the stories of the lovers.
kurdish novel love nationalism colonialism kurdish identity subjectivity
Birincil Dil | İngilizce |
Konular | Kürt Dili, Edebiyatı ve Kültürü |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 21 Mart 2024 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 1 Aralık 2023 |
Kabul Tarihi | 14 Aralık 2023 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2024Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1 |
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