Writing Rules

1. The papers shall be prepared in “.docx” format of Microsoft Office Word (2010 and later) program; they shall be written in Arial font. The default settings of the program shall be used in the page format and qualities, and they shall not be changed. (If the default settings have been changed, the page format shall be in A4 format and 2.5-cm space shall be left in all sides of the page.) Automatic formats or formulations (automatic content, automatic references, automatic chapter title/subtitle or numbering), if any, shall be cleaned by all means. Page number shall not be included.
2. Title: It shall be reflective of the content of the paper and written in 14-point bold capital letters. It shall not exceed twelve words.
3. Author(s)’s Name(s) and Address(es): They shall be written in 10-point font letters with their titles aligned to the left after the title of the study; the surname should be written in capital letters, but only the first letter of the name shall be capitalized. A footnote should be marked with the author’s name, where his/her title, institution, e-mail address and ORCID number shall be indicated.
4. Abstract: It shall take place at the beginning of the study; it shall be written in 9-point; it shall consist of minimum 200 and maximum 300 words, describing the whole study concisely. Five key words shall be written one line below the abstract. There should be English title, abstract and key words under the Turkish title, abstract and key words.
5. The text of the study shall be written in 11-point Arial font, and the paragraphs shall not be aligned on the left.
6. The paper shall not exceed 6000 words, but 10% more than this limit is acceptable.
7. The parts that need stressing within the text shall be provided “within quotation marks”, and quotations within the text shall be written in italic letters. Both quotation marks and italic letters shall not be used together in quotations. The quotations that exceed 40 words shall be provided with a 1-cm indent on the left one space under the paragraph. Bold characters shall not be used unless necessary.
8. Citation: Only for compulsory explanations shall footnote be used, and the other citations shall be indicated within the text. While making a reference within the text, it should be given in parenthesis as follows: (Surname of the author, Publication year of the reference: Page number). Here is an example: (Orta, 1959: 76)
• If the author’s work predates the surname law, then the name of the author shall be used. Example: (Ziya Gökalp, 2018: 195)
• If citation is made from more than one reference, a semi-colon shall be used between them. Example: (Polat, 2007: 194; Köksal, 2005: 87)
• To cite from the references with two authors, a hyphen shall be used between them. Example: (Koraş-Baykoca, 2000: 211)
• To cite from the references with more than two authors, the abbreviation (vd.) shall be used after the surname of the second author. Example: (Kutlar vd., 2012: 99)
• To cite from more than one work of the same year by the same writer, the publication year shall be followed by a slash and the number 1, 2, 3, and so on. Example: (Bilgegil, 1981/1), (Bilgegil, 1981/2)
• If the cited work consists of more than one volume, such as encyclopaedia, the volume number shall be indicated after the colon and followed by the page number. Example: (Köprülü, 1967: 5/213)
• If a manuscript is used as a reference, the abbreviation (yz.) shall be used after the name of the author. If necessary, page number shall be given after the colon. Example: (Nef’î yz.: 45b) The full colophon shall be given in the bibliography.
• To show the archive documents as a reference, they shall be given as abbreviated within the text, and their full information shall be given in the bibliography. Example: (BOA Mühimme 15: 25)
• If a citation is made in the footnotes, the same rules shall be followed for them, too. Example: Daha fazla bilgi için bkz., Levend, 1984: 189-207; Dilçin, 1983: 296; Kut, 2000: 87-93.
• If the name of the author is provided just before the quotation within the text, then just the publication year of the work shall be given and followed by a colon and page number. Example: Aktaş (2013: 69), bu hususu ...
• To cite from the secondary works, the first and primary work shall also be indicated. Example: Süleyman Nazif (1925: 40, Bilgegil 1979: 27’den)
• Personal interviews shall be indicated with surname and date within the text, and they shall also be provided in the bibliography.
• As for the internet addresses, the date of accessing the source shall be indicated in parenthesis. Example: http://www.tdk.gov.tr/index.php?option=com_bts (Erişim tarihi: 20.06.2017) This information shall also be given in the bibliography.
9. Bibliography: All the references shall be aligned according to the surname of the author at the end of the text. For the works predating the Surname Law, the name of the author shall be considered.
• To use more than one work by the same author in bibliography, the alignment shall be made from the oldest to the nearest one.
• To give a work in bibliography, the following order shall be followed with the first letter of every word as capitalized: Surname, First letter of the name. (Publication year). Title of the work in italics. Publication city: Publication house. Example: Dursun, Y. (2014). Oyunun Ontolojisi. Ankara: Doğu Batı Yayınları.
• To give articles, presentations and encyclopaedia items, the title shall be provided “within quotation marks”; periodical / proceedings book / title of the encyclopaedia shall be italicized; if known, the volume of the work shall be provided with the letter “C”, and the issue number shall be in parenthesis, and the page number shall be given after the issue number. For the published presentations, the date of the organization of such meetings as symposium, congress, etc. shall be provided together with the publication year of the proceedings book. In the unpublished presentations, the date of presenting the academic paper, the organizing institution, and the date of the organization shall be indicated. Here is an example of article reference in bibliography: Becerik, M. F. (2019). “XIX. Yüzyıl Ortalarında Sivrihisar’da Meslekler”. ESOGÜ Tarih Dergisi C.2, (2), 54-88. Here is an example of presentation reference in bibliography: Koz, M. S. (2004). “Belli Mahlaslar Üzerinden Şiir Söyleme Geleneği ve Turkiye’de Yazılan Alevi-Bektaşi Cönk ve Mecmualarındaki Hatâî Mahlaslı Şiirler”, I. Uluslararası Şah İsmail Hatâyî Sempozyumu Bildirileri, 9-10-11 Ekim 2003, Haz: Gülağ Öz, ATO Yayını, Ankara, 184-217. Here is an example of encyclopaedia item in bibliography: Köymen, M. A. (1983). “Turan, Osman”, Türk Ansiklopedisi, C.32, 2.
• For the manuscripts, the name of the author, if known, shall be first written and followed by the phrase (yz.) as the abbreviation of “yazma”. Then the title of the work in italics, the library where it is, its collection and issue number and, if necessary, page numbers shall be indicated. Here is an example of manuscript reference in bibliography: a) Mecmua-i Eş’âr (yz), Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi, Fatih, Nu. 5335. b) Âlî b. Mustafa (yz), Nasîhatü’s-selâtîn, Ali Emiri Millet Kütüphanesi, Şer’iyye, Nu. 611.
10. Submission of the Articles and Follow-up: Submission of the articles and the evaluation of their processes shall be conducted through the system https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/ahbvedebiyat. AHBV Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi does not ask the authors for any fee for the process of evaluating and publishing the submitted articles. The writing rules are designed and determined according to APA “American Psychological Association” format.

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