Aim & Scope

Our journal aims to present original research on the languages, linguistics, literature, and social sciences in the Kurdish region and peoples of Kurdish from its beginning down to the present. In addition to Kurdish itself any aspects of Kurdish relations with an influence on the areas of the Middle East, Mesopotamia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Europe, and Kurdish who are all around the world, fall within the journal’s scope.

IJOKS accepts manuscripts, book reviews, or translation texts for publication. Subjects are about Kurdish Studies related to all disciplines of Kurdish. As soon as the editorial team receives the submissions, two experts are assigned as reviewers. Our journal uses a double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer's and author's identities are concealed from the reviewers. All reviewers evaluate the manuscript in terms of originality, methodology, and contributions to the field.

Period Months
March September

NOTICE: All submissions will be accepted through the Manuscript Submission System. Please click on and register to submit a paper.