Thank you for your interest in submitting a paper to the International
Journal of Kurdish Studies (IJOKS).
For more detailed information about the submission process, see the web page
with Author Guidelines.
Articles are accepted in English, Turkish, Kurdish, or Russian. Arabic will be considered.
Title and abstract should therefore be written in English, Turkish and Kurdish. Introductory material, including a review of the literature, should not exceed what is necessary to indicate the reason for the work and the essential background. Papers should be prepared with Microsoft Word in .docx or .doc formats.
Articles should be included the name and email address of the corresponding author/s.
Please use the IJOKS Template for your manuscripts. All submissions will be ignored and rejected unless they are in accordance with this template provided.
Articles being considered for publication will be sent to anonymous referees
for evaluation. Responsibility for following articles in the evaluation process
lies with the editor and publication committee. Articles accepted for
publication after completion of the referees’ evaluations will be returned to
the author for corrections, if required. Articles that are not accepted for
publication cannot be returned.
Dergi Park on the website submission form
Or: The Editor as e-mail attachment to
Or: on a disk by airmail to the following address: A. Butt, 6 Sayer Street, Launceston, Tasmania 7248, AUSTRALIA.
In consideration of the agreement to publish the Article in the Journal:
1. You are warranting that:
a) the content of the Article is your original work, and its content does not contain any material infringing the copyright of others; or, where the Article is not entirely your original work, you have obtained all necessary permissions in writing to grant the rights you are giving in this agreement;
b) the content of the Article does not contain any material that is defamatory of, or violates the privacy rights of, or discloses the confidential information of, any other person;
c) the Article has not been published elsewhere in whole or in part, and you will not allow publication of the Article elsewhere without the consent of the Journal Editor;
d) the names of all co-authors and contributors to the Article are:
2. You agree to license the copyright in the Article to the Journal Editor,
on a worldwide, perpetual,
royalty free basis; and to the extent required by the terms of this agreement.
You shall retain the right at all times to be acknowledged as the/an author of
the Article.
3. You further agree that the Journal Editor has the entitlement to deal with the Article as the Journal Editor sees fit, and including in the following manner;
a) The right to print, publish,
market, communicate and distribute the Article and the Journal, in this and any
subsequent editions, in all media (including electronic media), in all languages,
and in all territories, including the full term of copyright, and including any
form of the Article separated from the Journal, such as in a database,
abstract, offprint, translation or otherwise, and to authorize third parties to
do so;
b) The right to register copyright of the Journal;
c) The right to edit the Article, to conform to editorial policy as the Journal
Editor sees fit.
Articles must be written in
Turkish, Kurdish, English or Russian and have to be sent via email or online submission
form here
NOTICE: All submissions will be accepted through the Manuscript Submission System. Please click on and register to submit a paper.